
Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 - It's So Last Year

After tucking 2015 into bed, J & I realized we've had quite a year. If you are a long-time reader, you know I love me some stats. I'm also quite wordy. For your benefit, I chose numbers over words for this post.  

111 = Days we spent out of the US (mainly New Zealand, but 5 days in Australia)
1,328 = Miles hiked (mostly on Te Araroa in New Zealand)
106 = Miles mountain biked
101 = Miles paddled
5 = Number of states we "lived in" (if we were there for 2+ weeks, it's a home)
24 = Number of states we hit (2 XC trips, plus almost the whole East coast)
2 = Number of state high points reached (up to 36!) 
5 = Number of TA presentations (3 more to come for you folks in Colorado!)
30 = Pieces of gear tested for Backpacker
33 = Number of friends visited (this is just an estimate)
5 = Number of job interviews 
3 = Job offers 
2 = Caretaking jobs worked
1 = House sold

Yeah, 2015 was pretty cool. Let's see what 2016 brings. 


  1. I can't wait to hear what is in store for 2016! I love your blog!

  2. Okay, we obviously need to chat...New Zealand is high on my next country to Workaway/live in! :)


have somethin' to say