
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Merry

For most of our 13 years together, J & I have spent Christmas mornings with my family at my sister's house in Connecticut. Sure we celebrated with his family either later that day or another day (depending on where they lived) and there were a few exceptions over the years, but Christmas mornings were typically spent with our nephew and niece on my side.

Now that Ryan and Sarah are 13 and 10, we have switched gears. For me personally, Christmas is definitely more exciting with kids in the picture. So, Christmas mornings--starting with this year and provided we are not off on our own adventures--will be reserved for J's family and the 2 nephews on his side (Everett, 3 years, and Owen, 17 months).

We had a lovely Christmas Eve and Day here in Denver. It snowed on and off, unlike the East Coast's near-summer temps! Our brother-in-law had his parents in town as well, so it was a full house with 9 adults and 2 children!
It is nice that both his sisters and his mom live in Denver now. It makes visiting very convenient!

The day was probably much like yours with lots of eating and gift exchanging, but we have some serious musical talent in our family, so we even spent a good amount of time jamming together.  

We will inevitably spend a lot of time with these 2 young bucks this winter ... so this is not the last you will see of them on the blog. 
The youngest is obsessed with books, while the oldest is obsessed with ears!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! :) Forest loves books, too! He also got a basketball hoop. ;)

    Happy Christmas and New Year!


have somethin' to say