
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Zealand: Adventures in Milford Sound

Sadly, I am bidding farewell to New Zealand today. I am extremely pleased with my book-writing accomplishments and plan to write a full post about the retreat, etc, but for the time being, I have a report on one more NZ excursion: Milford Sound!

Even though J & I had been to Milford Sound last year, I don't think it is possible to yawn at this World Heritage Area. Plus, the weather can play a major role in changing your experience, which was the case for me.

Milford Sound 2015 trip:
J & I did a day trip in 2015, taking a motor boat about 12 kilometers into the fiord, then kayaking back. We did this under blue skies, thoroughly enjoying the mile-high cliffs and a few (operative word) waterfalls, including the 500-foot permanent Stirling Falls.

Milford Sound 2016 trip:
With my book-writing friends, we did an overnighter aboard the Real Journeys Milford Wanderer. This ship sleeps 36 and includes dinner and breakfast the next morning, traveling all the way through the 15-kilometer fiord to the Tasmen Sea and back. A naturalist guide took us on a 2-mile out-and-back hike of the Milford Track via Sandfly Point.

While those details were all nice and dandy, what amazed me was how different Milford Sound looked to me. Our rainy forecast translated into an explosion of temporary waterfalls. And, there is just something about misty mountains that makes my heart sing.

I still don't know which experience I favor. I do know this ... I thoroughly miss my traveling partner!!


have somethin' to say