
Monday, February 29, 2016

Currently: February

Currently living/working in: Still “unjobbing” in Colorado!! We are very thankful we have lots of choices for spring/summer jobs (yes, there have been rejections mixed in there; we are not that awesome). But, we are just about the most indecisive couple out there, so choices=hard decisions. 

Current mood: Living month to month like we do is equally freeing and taxing. It is like reading a good book and wondering what’s going to happen in the next chapter. I am currently wondering what is going to happen in the next chapter (aka, next few months). 

Currently excited about: Speaking of books (see what I did there?), I think I can finally say it. I am writing a book. While I only have 35 pages written (first draft) and have hardly touched it since returning from New Zealand, I plan to dedicate the entire month of May to writing. J will be climbing; I will be writing! (More on that later). 

Currently not excited about: Getting my cavities filled. We finally signed up for dental insurance after 3 years without any cleanings, etc., so I’m not surprised I have cavities. But I seriously would rather give J a foot rub everyday for the rest of our lives rather than sit in a dentist chair. 

Currently worried about: Family and friends who are having significant health problems. Some are just too young to have to go through this and some (my dad) just have too many problems. Makes me wonder how much one person can handle. Also makes me thankful for our health. 

Currently thankful for: Great relationships with our gear partners. J & I just keep building these relationships and besides the gear they provide, I am also thankful for the opportunities it presents us. I never could have guessed we are where we are today. BTW, we just added a 9th sponsor, CloudLine Apparel! We love the fact that this Seattle-based company represents made-in-the-USA merino wool socks. Makes our feet even happier!!!

Currently proud of: Talented friends and family. J’s second cousin is in the middle of putting together a video of our Te Araroa presentation, one that is 400 times better than J’s 2004 camcorder would have captured. Another friend—who is already widely successful as a young entrepreneur—is launching his first podcast this spring. His interviews with a variety of people will focus on those small moments in life that count. We just may be guests on his show, so stay tuned.  

Currently amazed by: Adventurers. We just saw 27 films at 3 nights of the Banff Mountain Film Festival here in Denver and they never cease to electrify us. These are mostly short films on skiing, mountain biking, climbing and paddling, but there were some longer heart-warming stories. We are having a really hard time deciding on a single favorite, so I’ll give you 3 very different films that you should see if you can.  
“Eclipse”                                            “Reel Rock 10: A Line Across the Sky”                                                       “Unbranded”

Current confession: We really want to go on another long-distance hike! (It didn't help seeing all those inspiring Banff films)

Current guilty pleasure: You better believe I came home from New Zealand with Whittaker’s chocolate!!! 

Currently reading: “Miles from Nowhere: A Round-the-world Bicycle Adventure” by Barbara Savage. This is the story of a couple who traveled 23,000 miles around the world via bicycle. The book is from the 80s, but it has been on my list for awhile because of rave reviews. Not only is the story great, but the writing too. We will most likely stick to walking adventures, but if anyone is into two-wheeled journeys, read this. 

Currently watching on Netflix: If you remember, last month I said we watched the first season of the Netflix series “House of Cards” and I thought that would be it. Well, then we watched the second season. Now we are partly through the third season. Might as well watch the fourth season that is coming out in March.


  1. We watched Meru a few nights ago when my parents were here. I'd heard Conrad Anker on a podcast talking about it and had been wanting to watch it ever since. It's on Amazon Prime if you haven't seen it yet. Not sure about Netflix.

    I can't wait to see what else you are up to in the coming months!

    We'll have to give each other writing support. :)

  2. I totally understand wanting to take another long-distance hike! After attempting three and finishing two last summer, along with my AT thru a few years back, the bug bites me harder than ever this spring!

  3. I really think you should hike the Pct. Mostly because it would be fun to meet up.

  4. I'm sure whatever job you pick will be an adventure!


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