
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Currently: December

Currently living/working in: Well, we made it to Colorado! And right now, we are in the midst of getting our Wilderness First Responder Certification (more on that in another post)

Current mood: Busy and tired! Who knew a daily schedule of 8am to 5pm (our 10-day class schedule) could be so brutal??? 

Currently excited about: Winter adventures in Colorado!

Currently not excited about: Prepping our tax documents. Since we spent half of 2015 in New Zealand, I didn’t do our taxes until June, so it feels like just yesterday. And now tax season is right around the corner. 

Currently worried about: Having to pass my Wilderness First Responder Test Monday … I am a TERRIBLE test taker. It is making me a ball of nerves. 

Currently thankful for: Friends and family who house the glorified homeless (us). 

Currently proud of: Five great stops on our Te Araroa speaking tour so far!

Currently regretting: Having possessions in storage in 3 different states. There’s always something we are looking for and realize it is across the country! 

Currently amazed by: Big Bird (our bright yellow Subaru, AKA home). He performs well in the snow and got us across the country problem free. Phew!  

Current confession: I love the snow. As much as I loved spending our winter in New Zealand, I missed the snow. 

Current guilty pleasure: While on tour, we inevitably ate out a lot! It was a nice treat. 

Currently reading: NOLS Wilderness Medicine

Currently watching on Netflix: No Netflix … after working all day, making dinner, catching up on a few e-mails, etc and reading for homework, sleep trumps Netflix. After the holidays, we hope to return to at least a weekly Netflix movie. 

1 comment:

  1. Great to meet you two on your tour and follow your adventures!


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