Free Movies

Most of you know J and I are thrifty, or as my Dad would say, downright cheap. So our local video store started a program a few months ago in which you could rent older movies for free on Thursdays. J and I jumped right on that! It fit perfectly with our plan to watch all the movies that won best picture at the Academy Awards.

Thus far, we’ve watched No Country for Old Men, The Departed and The English Patient. We’re rating them along the way too. We’ve seen some of the others already and probably won’t watch them again, such as Chicago. But we have a long way to go! The first award was given in 1929!

So today, I ran down to the video store at lunch to pick up this week’s free movie. I didn’t take the entire list of movies because I literally “ran” down there. I wrote down 5 movies on a small piece of paper. Well, the freakin store didn’t have any of them (it’s no Blockbuster)! They didn’t have Gladiator (2000)! Or Rain Man (1988). In any case, they didn’t have any of the ones on my list and I couldn’t remember any others, so I just picked a random (still free) movie.

The funny part was when I went to check out, the guy brought up our account and said, “Wow, guess we’ll see you again next Thursday.” To which I proudly replied, “yep, we’re really taking advantage of your new program.” And he sarcastically said, “yes you are.” I think I’ll send J in to get the next movie.

I have many other posts to catch up on, such as my trip to Nashville and a very important baby announcement (not mine of course!), but those will have to wait for now …