Guest blog for the birthday girl

Today is a very special day…..

Not only is the first time I (J) have posted a blog note, but it is the birthday for the most wonderful person in the world (besides me)……

It is the one and only—the Former PK's—31st birthday!!!!

Yep you heard me right she is getting old, 31. I feel like a young buck robbing all the chaps of the world of this cougar beauty. Considering I am turning 23 in October!

It must be tough getting old—she's always complaining about aches and pains, her legs hurting after walking up the stairs, she can’t bend over to pick up the crap she drops on the floor and she always wants a foot rub. What kind of person likes their feet rubbed, yuck!!!

In fact this morning she came running out of the shower dragging her boobs on the ground holding up grey hair that fell out into the drain. What does she expect, she is getting old.

I feel bad because as I get older I know my beauty will get better and I will have to fight off all the hot mamas that want a piece of me, this masterpiece. But marriage is a vow and I will be with this old lady until the end of day. Hey it is not that bad, don’t cry for me, she stills makes me laugh especially when she clogs the toilet and comes out screaming that her girdle fell in.

Just to prove my point so you can see I am not lying, look at this picture montage….

She thought she could be a stripper ...

Then she turned out to be the marrying type ...

And now, I settle for this ...

Ps… I love my wife, I love my life…..happy birthday!